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Meet SIP at PETEX 2021, London

Seismic Image Processing will be celebrating the return of PETEX at the Business Design Centre, London, 23-25th November 2021. Come and say hello at Booth 3.3 and learn more about the exciting developments and projects that we've been working on during lock down, such as Beam Tomo, GRT imaging, and next generation wave equation migration eGWM.

If artificial intelligence and prospect identification from AVO/AVA is more your thing, then Dr. Can Yang invites you to the poster presentations where he will present SIP's work on de-risking of the West of Shetland's using unsupervised machine learning.

"De-risking West of Shetland (WoS) Area Exploration Using Generalized Radon Transform (GRT) Depth Imaging and Unsupervised Machine Learning Methods" Dr. Can Yang, Seismic Image Processing Ltd. Wednesday 24th November, 10:30 - 10:45 a.m.

We look forward to seeing you! Masks and COVID ID optional!


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